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H Kim, M Zohaib, E Cho, YH Kerr, M Choi2017

Development and assessment of the sand dust prediction model by utilizing microwave-based satellite soil moisture and reanalysis datasets in East Asian desert areas. Advances in Meteorology


Hoang Hai Nguyen, Hyunglok Kim, Minha Choi2017

Evaluation of the soil water content using cosmic-ray neutron probe in a heterogeneous monsoon cliamte-dominated region. Advances in Water Resources


Muhammad Zohaib, Hyunglok Kim, and Minha Choi2017

Evaluating the Patterns of Spatiotemporal Trends of Root Zone Soil Moisture in Major Climate Regions in East Asia. Journal of Geophysical ResearchAtmospheres


Hoang Hai Nguyen, Thi Hien Tran, Wooyeon Sunwoo, Jong-hyuk Yi, Dongkyun Kim, Minha Choi2017

Integrated change detection and temporal trajectory analysis of Coastal wetlands using high spatial resolution Korean Multi-Purpose Satellite series imagery. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing


Daeun Kim, Ram Ray, Minha Choi2017

Simulations of energy balance components at snow-dominated montane watershed by land surface models. Environmental Earth Science



Jongmin Park, Jongjin Baik, Minha Choi2017

Satellite-based crop coefficient and evapotranspiration using surface soil moisture and vegetation indices in Northeast Asia. Catena


Wooyeon Sunwoo, Minha Choi2017

Robust Initial Wetness Condition Framework of an Event-Based Rainfall-Runoff Model Using Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture Products. Water



Hyunglok Kim, Zohaib Muhammad, Eunsang Cho, Yann Kerr, and Minha Choi2017

Microwave-Based Satellite Soil Moisture retrievals and assimilation dataset for Sand Dust Prediction in East Asian Desert Areas. Advances in Meteorology


Kiyoung Kim, Jongmin Park, Jongjin Baik, Minha Choi2017

Evaluation of topographical and seasonal feature using GPM IMERG and TRMM 3B42 over Far-East Asia. Atmospheric Research


Eunsang Cho, Chun-Hsu Su, Dongryeol Ryu, Hyunglok Kim, Minha Choi2017

Does AMSR2 produce better soil moisture retrievals than AMSR-E over Australia?. Remote Sensing of Environment