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Muhammad Zohaib, Muhammad Umair, Minha Choi2022

Improved land surface model simulations in irrigated areas by incorporating soil moisture-based irrigation estimates in Community land Model. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering


My Nguyen, Minha Choi2022

Advances in evapotranspiration prediction using gross primary productivity based on eco-physiological constraints. Hydrological Processes


Yuefeng Hao, Jongjin Baik, Hien Tran, Minha Choi2022

Quantification of the effect of hydrological drivers on actual evapotranspiration using the Bayesian model averaging approach for various landscapes over Northeast Asia. Journal of Hydrology


Nurul Syahira Mohammad Harmay, Minha Choi2022

Effects of Heat Waves on Urban Warming Across Different Urban Morphologies and Climate Zones. Building and Environment


Hoang Hai Nguyen, Seongkeun Cho, Jaehwan Jeong, Minha Choi2021

A D-vine copula quantile regression approach for soil moisture retrieval from dual polarimetric SAR Sentinel-1 over vegetated terrains. Remote Sensing of Environment


Yuefeng Hao, Jongjin Baik, Sseguya Fred & Minha Choi2021

Comparative analysis of two drought indices in the calculation of drought recovery time and implications on drought assessment: East Africa's Lake Victoria Basin. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment


Wouter Dorigo, ..., Minha Choi, ..., and Roberto Sabia 2021

The International Soil Moisture Network: serving Earth system science for over a decade. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences


My NgocNguyen, YuefengHao, JongjinBaik, MinhaChoi 2021

Partitioning evapotranspiration based on the total ecosystem conductance fractions of soil, interception, and canopy in different biomes. Journal of Hydrology


Muhammad SarfrazKhan, Jaehwan Jeong, Minha Choi2021

An improved remote sensing based approach for predicting actual Evapotranspiration by integrating LiDAR. Advances in Space Research.


Jaehwan Jeong, Seulchan Lee, Minha Choi2021

Correction efficiency and error characteristics for cosmic-ray soil moisture on mountainous terrain. Journal of Hydrology