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Wanyub Kim, Seulchan Lee, Minha Choi2024

A comparative study of remotely sensed reservoir monitoring across multiple land cover types. Science of The Total Environment

My Nguyen, Minha Choi2024

Delving into flash drought occurrence in Vietnam during last two decades using the Standardized Evaporative Stress Ratio
¬£ ¬ã¬Ó¬ñ¬Ù¬Ú ¬ã ¬à¬Ô¬â¬Ñ¬ß¬Ú¬é¬Ö¬ß¬Ú¬ñ¬Þ¬Ú ¬Õ¬à¬ã¬ä¬å¬á¬Ñ ¬Ü ¬ß¬Ö¬Ü¬à¬ä¬à¬â¬í¬Þ ¬ã¬Ñ¬Û¬ä¬Ñ¬Þ ¬Ó ¬â¬Ñ¬Ù¬ß¬í¬ç ¬ã¬ä¬â¬Ñ¬ß¬Ñ¬ç, ¬Ñ¬Ü¬ä¬å¬Ñ¬Ý¬î¬ß¬à¬Û ¬Ù¬Ñ¬Õ¬Ñ¬é¬Ö¬Û ¬ã¬ä¬Ñ¬ß¬à¬Ó¬Ú¬ä¬ã¬ñ ¬ß¬Ñ¬ç¬à¬Ø¬Õ¬Ö¬ß¬Ú¬Ö ¬ß¬Ñ¬Õ¬×¬Ø¬ß¬à¬Ô¬à ¬Ú ¬Ò¬Ö¬Ù¬à¬á¬Ñ¬ã¬ß¬à¬Ô¬à ¬á¬å¬ä¬Ú ¬Õ¬Ý¬ñ ¬Õ¬à¬ã¬ä¬å¬á¬Ñ ¬Ü ¬Ý¬ð¬Ò¬Ú¬Þ¬í¬Þ ¬Ú¬Ô¬â¬Ñ¬Þ. ¬ª¬Þ¬Ö¬ß¬ß¬à ¬Ù¬Õ¬Ö¬ã¬î ¬æ¬â¬Ñ¬Ù¬Ñ "vavada ¬â¬Ñ¬Ò¬à¬é¬Ö¬Ö ¬Ù¬Ö¬â¬Ü¬Ñ¬Ý¬à"¬Þ¬à¬Ø¬Ö¬ä ¬ã¬ä¬Ñ¬ä¬î ¬Ü¬Ý¬ð¬é¬à¬Þ ¬Ü ¬Þ¬Ú¬â¬å ¬Ù¬Ñ¬ç¬Ó¬Ñ¬ä¬í¬Ó¬Ñ¬ð¬ë¬Ú¬ç ¬â¬Ñ¬Ù¬Ó¬Ý¬Ö¬é¬Ö¬ß¬Ú¬Û ¬Ú ¬Ó¬à¬Ù¬Þ¬à¬Ø¬ß¬à¬ã¬ä¬Ö¬Û.
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Seulchan Lee, Seungcheol Oh, Ram. L. Ray, Yangwon Lee, Minha Choi2023

Three-dimensional hydrological thresholds to predict shallow landslides

Minsun Kang, Yuefeng Hao, Minha Choi2023

The effects of flash drought to the terrestrial ecosystem in Korea. Journal of Hydrology


Yuefeng Hao, Minha Choi2023

Recovery of Ecosystem Carbon and Water Fluxes after Drought in China. Journal of Hydrology


My Nguyen, Minha Choi2023

Evapotranspiration partitioning and agricultural drought quantification with an optical trapezoidal framework. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology


Jongmin Park, Jongjin Baik, Minha choi2023

Triple collocation-based multi-source evaporation and transpiration merging. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology


Nurul Syahira Mohammad Harmay, Minha Choi2023

The urban heat island and thermal heat stress correlate with climate dynamics and energy budget variations in multiple urban environments. Sustainable Cities and Society


Hoang Hai Nguyen, Seongkeun Cho, and Minha Choi2022

Spatial soil moisture estimation in agro-pastoral transitional zone based on synergistic use of SAR and optical-thermal satellite images. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology


Daeha Kim, Minha Choi, Jong Ahn Chun2022

Linking the complementary evaporation relationship with the Budyko framework for ungauged areas in Australia. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences